Day Against
– Soyons
solidaires !
Dans le
Cette semaine, sera
clbre dans le monde entier, l’IDAHO, journe mondiale de lutte contre
Vous pouvez vous
faire une ide de la persistance mondiale d’une homophobie d’tat, en
consultant le rapport
homophobie d’tat ci-joint, rdig par
Daniel Ottosson et publi par l’ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay
Association), l’occasion de l’IDAHO.
En Europe.
Ensuite, nous vous
invitons manifester votre solidarit l’gard des LGBT polonais en signant la
ptition labore par Human Rigths Watch et KPH (Campagne Contre l’Homophobie,
l’association qui organise la Marche des Fierts de Varsovie). La ptition, dont
vous pouvez lire le texte ci-dessous, est adresse au Prsident Lech kaczynski,
les signataires lui demandent de mettre un terme aux diverses attaques
homophobes portes par les membres
du gouvernement et notamment au projet de loi qui autoriserait le licenciement
des enseignants homosexuels, parmi d’autres tentatives d’intimidation et
Les signatures seront
remises Lech Kaczynski le 18 mai 2007, la veille de la Marche de Varsovie.
Signez en adressant
un message contenant vos nom, prnom et pays de rsidence,
La cour Europenne
des Droits de l’Homme a rendu son verdit le 3 mai dernier, elle condamne la
Pologne pour avoir viol les articles 11 et 14 de la Convention Europenne des
Droits de l’Homme, l’article 11 garantit la libert de runion et d’association
et l’article 11 affirme l’interdiction de discrimination. Il reste cependant
indispensable de continuer d’exercer une forte pression sur l’tat polonais.
En France.
Le programme complet
de l’IDAHO en France est disponible sur son site Internet Nous vous invitons galement consulter le flyer
ci-joint, pour prendre connaissance du programme des manifestations organises
dans le cadre de cet vnement, par le Centre LGBT Paris
Pour le Centre LGBT
Paris IDF
Christine Le Doar,
Centre lesbien,
gai, bi & trans. de Paris et Ile-de-France 3, rue Keller B.P. 255
75524 Paris CEDEX 11
Membre de
l’ILGA-Europe et de l’Inter-LGBT
Accueil : 01
43 57 21 47 Bureau : 01 43 57 75 95 Tlcopie : 01 43 57 27
Internet Courriel :
Send a message to
government that it must respect all human rights for all. Sign the petition
below !
In recent months and years, Polish leaders have threatened criminal
sanctions against lesbian and gay activists and organizations, have tried to
restrict freedoms of expression and association, and have even threatened
violence against LGBT marchers.
Human Rights Watch and Campaign Against
Homophobia (KPH) ask for YOUR signatures on the attached petition demanding an
end to homophobic attacks.
KPH will present the petition to Polish
authorities at
Equality Parade on May 19,
Send an e-mail to by NOON
EST (5 PM GMT) ON FRIDAY, MAY 18 letting us know you will sign on. Give your
other identifying information you want included. PLEASE also let us know if you
are signing on as
individual or an organization!
the petition by writing to -and
stand up for human rights in
The President of the
ul. Wiejska 10
00-902 Warszawa,
Dear President Kaczynski,
We urge you and your government to stop
your attacks on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) people. Such attacks betray
proud record of struggling for human rights. Upholding equal rights for all will help build a
freer future.
Your government has declared it will fire gay teachers, and
impose criminal penalties on anyone who promotes homosexuality or any other
deviance of a sexual nature in education establishments. This blatant violation
of basic rights could deprive
students of potentially life-saving information about sexuality and about HIV/AIDS. Members of
your government have accused organizations working on LGBT people human rights
of pedophilia, and
threatened them with criminal investigations. A legislator
in your governing coalition said
that gays who demonstrate should be bashed with a baton. In 2004 and 2005, when
mayor of
yourself tried to ban Gay Pride marches, saying that public promotion of
homosexuality will not be allowed.
Your words and actions have contributed to a climate where violence against LGBT
people is tolerated or even encouraged.
Such words and acts threaten
This month, the European Court of Human Rights condemned your
attempts to ban Gay Pride marches
court praised a pluralism built on
the genuine recognition of, and respect for, diversity including genuine and effective respect for
freedom of association and assembly.
Last month, the European Parliament,
motivated by events in
resolution On Homophobia in Europe.condemned discriminatory remarks by political and religious
leaders targeting homosexuals. It voiced solidarity with, and support for,
fundamental rights activists and defenders of equal rights for LGBT people. It
called for an official EU investigation of what is happening to LGBT people
rights in
Do not isolate
promoting intolerance and hate. Defend all human rights for all people,
regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Scott Long,
Director, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender Rights Program
Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th
New York, NY USA