Communiqu de presse / Press
Pour diffusion immdiate / For immediate
Montral, 6 novembre 2003 Un dbat public bat son plein
actuellement Montral et sur la scne LGB2T internationale faisant part dun
conflit grave survenu entre les organisateurs de Montral 2006 et la Fdration
des Gay Games, concernant la gestion de la 7me dition des Jeux Gais, planifis
Montral, du 29 juillet jusquau 5 aot 2006, durant les mmes dates que notre
festival Divers/Cit.
Les organisateurs de Montral 2006 ont
choisi les dates de Divers/Cit pour soumettre leur projet la Fdration des
Gay Games en octobre 2001 et ce dbat politiquement muscl qui se tient
actuellement sur la place publique entre ces deux organisations risque de nuire
non seulement notre festival, court et long terme, mais aussi
lexcellente rputation que Montral sest mrite au sein de la communaut
LGB2T internationale. Plus loin et plus grave encore, ces mises en scne
mdiatiques nuisent limage de toute une communaut.
Par respect pour
notre travail, par respect pour le travail de Tom Waddell, par respect pour le
travail de toute une communaut, nous urgeons les deux organisations scouter
et se comprendre. La seule raison pour laquelle Divers/Cit admet les Jeux
Gais dans les dates de son festival, est le respect pour le message que ces Jeux
envoient au monde et limage quils refltent de notre communaut, celle dune
communaut tenace, heureuse et fire, runie pour le bonheur de raliser et de
partager le meilleur de soi.
la veille de la rencontre finale entre
les organisateurs de Montral 2006 et la Fdration des Gay Games, Divers/Cit
voudrait lancer un appel la confiance et au respect. Pour cela, nous demandons
la Fdration davoir confiance dans le savoir-faire de lquipe de Montral
2006. Nous demandons aussi aux organisateurs de Montral 2006 de respecter
lidentit, lhistoire et lavenir de la Fdration des Jeux Gais.
Montreal, November 6, 2003 A
public debate is currently underway in both Montreal and in the international
LGBT community regarding a serious conflict between Montreal 2006 and the
Federation of Gay Games concerning the 7th edition of the Gay Games, scheduled
to take place in Montreal from July 29 to August 5, 2006, during our Divers/Cit
Pride Festival.
When the organizing team of Montreal 2006
presented their project to the FGG in October 2001, they expressly chose a date
to coincide with our Divers/Cit event.
Divers/Cit believes that this
public melodramatic political debate happening between the two organizations
risks not only damaging its own ever growing Festival, both in the short and
long terming, but also Montreals excellent and well-earned reputation in the
international LGBT community. Furthermore, we believe this open conflict also
risks damaging the image of the LGBT community.
Out of respect of our
work as an LGBT non-profit organization, out of respect of the work of great
individuals such as Tom Waddell, and out of respect of the work of the entire
LGBT community, we urge the two organizations to both listen and try to
understand one other. It is solely out of respect for the message that these
games send out to the world, a community that is strong, happy and proud,
reunited to « share fulfillment of each personal best », that Divers/Cit has
accepted that the Gay Games coincide with its Festival.
On the day
before the final meeting between the organizers of Montreal 2006 and the
Federation of Gay Games, Divers/Cit would like to make an urgent appeal of
trust and respect. We ask that the Federation of Gay Games have confidence in
the know-how of the Montreal 2006 Team. We also ask that that the organizers of
Montreal 2006 respect fully the identity, history, and future of the Federation
of Gay Games.
SOURCE: Divers/Cit
La clbration de la fiert
LGB2T de Montral / Montreals LGBT pride celebration
(514) 285-4011